To get a quote or further information on a corporate booking, please complete the form below, and we'll get back to you. Leave this field blank Course Details Course Type:* Please select Electrical Supply Industry Confined Space Working at Heights Fire Fighting Emergency Response Elevated Work Platform Work Health and Safety First Aid Course:* Please select ESI First Aid + CPR - 1/2 day ESI First Aid + LVR + CPR - 1 day EWP Escape and Rescue - 1/2 day LVR + CPR 1 DAY LVR + CPR 1/2 Day PERFORM TOWER RESCUE ESI (NEW UNITS) PERFORM TOWER RESCUE REFRESHER ESI (NEW UNITS) POLE TOP RESCUE WORK SAFELY IN THE VICINITY OF LIVE ELECTRICAL APPARATUS FOR NON ELECTRICAL WORKER Preferred location:* Minimum students: Maximum students: Course Dates Between:* And: Company Details Business name:* ABN/ACN: Type your address:* Start typing your street number and address to look it up - you can then enter any building or unit details separately. Try to enter street number and street name to lookup your address. You will then be able to provide a floor or unit if required. Postal delivery information: Building / Property name: Flat / Unit details: Street or lot number:* Street name:* Suburb, locality or town:* Postcode:* State / territory:* Address not right? Show address fields Contact Details First name:* Last name:* Work phone:* Email:* Comments: