PUASAR022A - Participate in a Rescue Operation
National units of competency
- PUASAR022A – Participate in a Rescue Operation
Application and Relevance
This course covers the competency required to participate in rescue operations as a member of an emergency rescue team (ERT). This program covers a higher level of rescue in more complex confined space environments involving operator injury or issues with fire. The application of this unit in the workplace covers a wide range of rescue and environmental situations.
Course Content
This course provides the skills and knowledge required to enter confined spaces as part of an emergency rescue team, provide basic emergency life support in a challenging environment.
Topics include and are not limited to all those covered in the 2 day course plus:
- Rescue operation and task information received
- Rescue equipment identified
- Appropriate PPE selected
- Associated hazards and risks discussed
- Rescue scene reconnaissance and risks identified
Training conducted by experienced confined space and rescue specialists
Course documentation
Up to 8 hours classroom, practical training and assessment
PUAEME001B Provide emergency care
HLTFA211A Provide basic emergency life support
Zokal also require participants to have completed – 2 day Enter Confined Space Course or the equivalent units of competence as those listed from another RTO acquired within the previous two years.
- RIIWHS202D – Enter and work in confined space or MSAPMPER205C – Enter Confined Spaces
- MSAPMPER200C – Work in Accordance with an Issued Permit
- MSAPMPER202A – Observe Permit work
- RIIRIS201D – Conduct Local Risk Control
- MSAPMOHS216A – Operate Breathing Apparatus
- MSAPMOHS217A – Gas Test Atmospheres
Industry Skills Councils have mapped this course to level 2/3 of the Australian Core Skills Framework. It is recommended that participants provide evidence of their Foundation Skill Level prior to the commencement of the course.
It is recommended that participants contact Zokal prior to their course if they have any concerns about their ability to complete the training.
See Student handbook for additional information.
Course Logistics
Number of Participants: 10
Requirement: Provide Unique Student Identifier (USI number) and ID
Equipment: All training materials are supplied by Zokal Safety Training
Meals: Full Day Courses – Lunch will be provided and light refreshments will be provided at morning break (only on our premises). Half Day Courses – Light refreshments will be provided at morning break (only on our premises)
Dress: Participants are required to wear clothing appropriate for the workplace. Students to bring own Gloves if they require them All other equipment used will be supplied by Zokal Safety Training.
Assessment Methods
This is a competency based programme with progressive assessment throughout the course, including demonstration of written and oral questions relating to underpinning knowledge. Please let us know if there are any issues that your Zokal trainer should be aware of. These may include:
- Language, Literacy and Numeracy
- Physical limitations, such as hearing, vision or mobility concerns
- Anything that may affect your experience in the training course
Award Issued
Nationally – recognised accreditation such as a wallet card and Statement of Attainment Certificate as outlined above will be issued on satisfactory completion of all assessments, to successful participants
Enquire Now
Course Enquiry
You can send us a message with the form below to get more information on Advanced Rescue Operation - 1 day or details on alternate courses if there are currently no dates available. You may also make a Corporate Enquiry.